

Saturday, March 12, 2011


We left lima city after enjoying the hot sun and headed to the beach town of pisco. here we took a boat tour to the ballestas islands where we encounted many sea lions, penguins, pelicans and loads of bird life. on the way out to the island we got to view the candlelabra etching in the side of a mountain which was pre inca.
after a night here we headed for the town of nazca and on the way stopped at hauchina oasis town in the middle of the desert surrounded by huge sand dunes and nothing else.  we got a sand buggy tour and sped up and down all over the dunes doing jumps and spins. the buggy felt like a rollercoaster. we stopped several times and layed on sand board gliding down the dunes up to 70kmph. it was fun but very sandy and scorching hot.
after this we headed to the nazca lines and from a platform we could see the tree, hands and lizard formations it was prety cool to see the size and massive desert terrain.
we hit nazca late and enjoyed relaxing time at our accomodation.
the next morning we headed to a desert cemetry and viewed real human remains set in dug out graves which had been hit by grave robbers and vulchers. there were so many bones just scattered around the site it was hard not to stand on them. the mumafied remains still had clothing and hair wrapped up in sacks for preserving.
after this we headed to a pisco sour winery where we tasted about 8 pisco product one of which was named the baby maker. lisa drunk none as it could sabotage the holiday. the guide showed us how the toxic pisco was made back in the day as they still do so now. he let us try some pisco chocolate and more pisco sour.
an overnight bus to arequipa city also named the white city as its built with volcanic white marble. the city was very cute and included lots of historical sites. we went to the ice mummy museum and viewed a pre inca sacrificed female girl around 16 y/old which had been frozen at the top of a volcano. the sacrafice was to please the volcano gods and was done by giving her a toxic drink then smashing her head with a club.  the mummy froze in ice and was found many years later. it still had skin, muscle, nails, hair and royal clothing.
we looked around the shops of the city and had dinner with our group.
the next morning we headed into the colca canyon which is the deepest in the world. the scenery is the best we have ever seen with ice capped volcanos, alpaccas, terrace crops, rivers and the 3m wide adean condor.
the town we visites had a ceramonial parade that is celebrated for one week only every year where the locals drink and dance all day for a week.  the town was at 4800m above sea level so we were constantly out of breath battleing altitude so to counter this we drink coca leaf tea and chew coca leaf lollies. this isthe same product used to make cocain but in larger portions.
that night we hiked up a mountain in the canyon where we saw real skulls which had been cut from the bodies for human sacrafice and left in small huts always facing the sun rise. the views were amazing and the hike was a prep for the inca trail altitude. it was actually higher than the inca trail.
our lodge was great with large windows and chairs set overlooking the canyon and also included a resident alpacca.
the next day we headed deeper into the canyon in search for the andean condor and after a drive and great scenery we encoutered loads of condors gliding through the canyon. some days they dont even fly so we were lucky to see them and so many of them. we stopped at little villages and met locals who all had personal alpaccas, donkys and pecunias. lovely people and very friendly and all in traditional dress all year round.  later that day we relaxed in 40 degree hot springs watching the sun go down.
the small village near us had the festival drums and flute music dancing parade so we headed there for dinner and joined in with the festive theme.
the next morning we headed for puno city also high altitude which is based on the side of lake titkaka. the town of puno was also in festival mode for the week so again we saw all day druming, flute playing, dancing and costumes it was a great experiance for us. we had a free afternoon to look around.
the next morning we boarded a boat and headed onto lake titikaka passing reed islands and stopped at island overlooking the country of bolivia. more drumming and dancing and a hike to the top of the island hill for panoramic views of the lake. it heated up and back on the boat heading for our island local community stay az was given the option to dive into the lake. az dived off the boat into 0 degrees water. he was in for 5 seconds and out again.
we hit our community and played soccer with the locals before gearing up in traditional dress for the dancing ceramony. the 5 year olds showed us up in the dancing.
we met our local family and had dinner with them . it was awkward as we dont speak spanish but the time was still fun. little omar and ebony were fun and showed us around the house. our room overlooked the lake and the night was raining on our tin roof. it was a great sleep.
the next morning farewell to the family and we headed to the reed island comunitys of uros. the people live on island made of reeds with reed boats and reed huts for sleeping. it was great to see the local people of uros who sang and danced for us and took us out on a dragon boat made of reeds. the afternoon was spent watching the final day of ceromony dancing, drinking and music.
tomorrow we leave for cusco and prepare for the 4 day hike of the inca trail. good weather is forcast so fingers crossed. the altitude is hard to get used to but we are well used to it now and could play soccer with not much problem.
cant wait and 3 weeks till we are back home. 
work has already given me my roster to start on the 10th of april.
adious amigos and sinouritas.

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