

Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well since our last message we have hiked up Pacaya volcano which is still active, we had a welcome to antigua by some bed bugs in our room which feasted on lisas arm and back (az not a bite), lost $130 out of a dodgy ATM at chichi market, stayed with a family in a village on lake atitlan who could barely speak english but we bought stuff for the kids and got the full homestay experiance in their home (dinner was awkward with lisa nudging me under the table), more tortillas and guatamalan beer.
Antigua is great and very old looking with a massive volcano in the backdrop. the volcano we hiked up was nearby active pacaya and we walked across the crater and entered an extremely hot opening in the top. many marshmellows were toasted and the hike was tuff but worth it.
At 2am in antigua lisa awoke to a biting frenzy and i flicked on the lights to see several bed bugs on the walls and bed. we swapped rooms and got free laundry for the trouble and lucky for us the bag was at its peak.
lake atitlan was nice but lisa got seasick on the boat but the several volcanos were a nice setting. the family stay was good and the kids loved  us.  one night was enough sleeping in a concrete hut with a bed with no mattress. the other thing was watching lisa nicely kicking the cat from her pillow trying not to upset the 2 kids. she loves blanco the gatto. we bought the kids school books, pens and a basketball and the ball almost launched into a picture of jesus on a table in the corner. we would have been sleeping outside instead of the shed. haha

tomorrow we meet our new group and the day after cross the boarder into honduras and head for the beaches in the roatan carribean islands. till the adious amigos.


Anonymous said...

Hola guys, had a good giggle to myself reading your post. Never knew Lisa was so fond of cats!

Anonymous said...

sounds awesome guys! back home now & jealous of everything your doing!! looking to start organising my trip already! cant wait for a reunion with our awesome tour group. stacks of love mik xXx

Lele said...

Hey Mick, we cant wait for the group reunion,we miss you heaps. Join us in Peru for the Inca trail..

Clara that fucken cat!