

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Our trip has continued to bang on with our trip to the Caribbean once again out to the lovely sun soaked islands of Roatan bay. Lisa got sea sick on the ferry over which was a 1 and a half hour trip at rough sea but was helped as the crew give everyone a spew bag before leaving port.
On the island was hot sunny and baking on the beaches was prime. we hired snorkels and fins for the day exploring the corals and lobsters were everywhere as well as Honduras fish.  We were a bit over baking in the extreme heat so we jumped on the banana boat and flipped about 10 times. funny stuff.
The next day az decided to become a frog man and went on his first scuba dive in open shark infested water. the dive was a beginner course so at deep sea az descended to 50feet under for around 50 minutes. now az wants to get the full licence. it was full of corals and stacks of tropical fish including the lion duce bigalo fish.
More relaxing on the beach, seafood lobsters platters for $20 we really needed some exercise.
Our next day was 11 hours on 3 buses which was fun to end up in the capital of Honduras which was a real shit hole and very dangerous so we couldn't go far but it was only for a night. we stayed up and chatted to our travel companions then bed. Next day we were out of there and headed over the boarder into Nicaragua to end up in a nice town called Granada which has a massive nearby lake and surrounded by volcano's. Dinner at a Thai restaurant and a few drinks and then bed as we had a big volcano trip planned the next day.
Morning came and we had breakfast of pancakes and fruits then headed for salvo negro the active black volcano which last erupted in1999 and is said to erupt between 8-10 years every cycle. This tour of negro volcano was a snow boarding trip but no snow just black sandy volcano gravel all over. Our group hiked an hour up the steep volcano viewing and smelling the smoky sulfa spewing from the large crater. the view from the top was amazing but had to be left as we suited up for the descent down the volcano on our sandbourds.  speeds of up to 70km could be gained however Lisa could not get this as she was on her arse the whole way down. az was a volcano boarding master only falling to wait for lisa.  covered in gravel and black volcano soot we headed back to Granada for a few tone beers and some burgers. Mexican like banjo playing amigos keep pestering us for dineros and kids selling all sort of bits n bobs add to the atmosphere of the town.
Tomorrow we will relax with a full 90min massage for $25 before heading off to climb another active volcano with lava and for this one we can go inside the lava tubes wearing masks and protective suits as the heat and gasses can only be exposed for 20minutes. And that's not including the bat colony that inhabit the tunnels which at sunset swarm out for food and tourists.
So amigos we will post back soon.
lele n az and blanco gatto.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

again sounds amazing! especially jealous of the scuba diving az! def get you license its the best! your updates are awesome, especially about lisa getting sick again! feeling for you lee!
cant wait to hear more from you guys & THEN CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS!!!
Stacks of love mik xXx