

Sunday, January 16, 2011


We spent our days in caye caulker swimming and baking in the sun with reggae music in the background. the people all say its go slow here so thats what we did. Our snorkel trip was amazin with so many fish and to end it off our guide swam us around the corals and pointed out lobster, green eels, sharks, and many fish but to top it off we swam with a sea turtle which swam faster than us. our guide got hold of a sting ray and let us pat it and all around were sharks and fish.  The sharks felt like sandpaper. our sail headed back in with rum punch and again more reggae mon. Dinner was lobster for around  20 aud and soooo nice.
We headed back to land the next day lucky as a storm was ready to hit and after a day on chicken buses and local transport we arrived at our jungle lodge in san ignacio. Here was our opportunity to go on a full day caving trip which was hard, tight and muddy. the cave system only lets a few people in a day as it was a sacred mayan site and spotted around the crystal cave where bones of sacraficed mayans adults and children. the cave has never been renovated or changed in any way since it was found. after this day which included scaling up formations and mud hills we were tired and had a swim in a waterhole. great day.
The next day we left for more Mayan ruins of Tikal after our border crossing into guatamala. the ruins were great surrounded by jungle and we were told to look out for jaguar in the area. tikal are the highest of the mayan ruins and we had the guts to climb the thing trusting in a wooden ladder up the side which had no real angle to it just straight up. Afew of the people did not do it but we went to the top which was realy scary but the view was spectacular and getting back down was more scary. Tikal was nice but lisa is getting over the ruins now.
We spent the night in San ignacio followed by the next day traveling to rio dulce.
Today is our wedding anniversary and our tour took us to a waterfall which had water running into it from a hot spring. Az and a few others jumped from the top down into the rock pool below and lisa chickened out as it was too high for her. Now we have just had dinner and relaxing on a little island where we are sleeping in little wooden stilt houses surrounded by jungle.  In the morning az will be kayaking to see the howler monkeys but lisa is hanging by the pool and baking a little more. She must be afraid of monkeys or something. haha.
Phones are hard to come by and time for the net is also hard so sorry for not calling or messaging.
keeping in touch from guatamala az n lele

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