

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mexico & Belize

hola amigos
We have just left Mexico after seeing chichen itza (Mayan ruins) & Tulum (ruins on the beach) we meet up with our GAP group of 16 people & 12 of them are Aussies from Adelaide (Az being the oldest).  Mexico is nice & we finally got some sun after 2 weeks of cold & snow.
Today we have arrived in Caye caulker ( an island in the Caribbean where all the locals speak like Jamaicans (how r u mon) food is great & we are eating masses of Lobster & drinking rum punch.  Tomorrow we are going snorkeling & swimming with sharks & sting rays.
hope everyone is well & miss u all.
love Le & Az

P.S phones are hard because we are on an island.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There have been some pretty bad floods in Brisbane, but watch out in Brazil they have had some too so take care.

On a brighter note, so so so jealous, Belise sounds great, go scuba diving in the big hole. Oh how I could go a rum punch on the beach about now, yeah mon.
