

Monday, December 20, 2010

Africa udate & leaving for NY

Hi Everyone, We are having heaps of fun & managed to get stuck at JBerg because of the "Big Freeze in London", our flight got cancelled & we got free accommodation in a 5 star hotel with free everything.
  We seen the BIG 5 & got to hug a baby rhino, pat a cheetah & feed a wild vulcher in a Wild animal rehab centre.  We seen a Pride of 14 Lions laying on the road during our night game drive in Kruger n.p & seen our first leopard on the side of the road.  we have seen everything we wanted to see in Africa & is defiantly the best place we have ever seen, it's completely different to any country.
  The Devils Pool at Victoria falls & the Okvango delta was our highlight along with witnessing the wild animals, meeting amazing people & visiting our drivers family village as we are the only group to have ever been there (the real South Africa).
  Finally got through to dad & rearranged our pick up date & time in Africa because the hotel didn't allow mobile calls & the internets were down.  Looking forward to meeting everyone in NY and the rest of out trip.
Miss you all Love Le & Az
P.S: please visit the below blog for updates.



Unknown said...

Hi guys, sounds like you are having a wonderful time, so happy for you both. Victoria Falls looks pretty spectacular

Anonymous said...

Hope you are both having lots of fun,especially you Aaron. From your mate Steve S.

Onski said...

Sounds great guys. Did you happen to look over the edge of the Victoria Falls?

Hope you managed to get to NY, the snow in between you and NY is a bit of a pain in the ass, so fly safely.

PS Glad to hear you saw the Kings of the Jungle, the mighty lions lying around. Im sure they were presentable unlike those naughty Saints!!!

Anonymous said...

I went to the zoo in Melbourne and saw the BIG 5, big whoop